Debates europeus agendados

Alexis Tsipras, candidato da Esquerda Europeia à presidência da Comissão Europeia

Não falamos aqui dos debates nacionais das europeias (assunto ainda polémico), mas sim dos debates europeus.

Como é sabido, uma novidade destas eleições europeias é a apresentação, pelos partidos europeus, do nome que propõem para Presidente da Comissão Europeia, o que vai facilitar a compreensão dos diferentes projectos políticos em disputa na União Europeia.

Estão já agendados dois debates em directo:
28 de Abril, às 18:00 organizado pela Euronews
15 de Maio. às 20:00 organizado pela União Europeia de Radiodifusão. a que pertence a RTP.

É provável que, para além dos directos, estes debates sejam também difundidos posteriormente em diferido.


The first debate between all of the candidates for Commission President will take place on Monday 28 April in Maastricht, and will be hosted by the City of Maastricht, Maastricht University, Connect Limburg and the European Youth Forum, with Euronews as the main media partner. The debate, officially known as “The First European Presidential Debate”, will be 90 minutes long, commencing at 19:00 CET/18:00 GMT. It will take place in Theater aan het Vrijthof in Maastricht, in front of an audience of 700 young people, and will be moderated by Euronews lead presenter Isabelle Kumar. The debate will be broadcast live by the main media partner Euronews and will be streamed live on the debate’s website, on, and on Euronews' mobile apps. It will be conducted in English and will be simultaneoustly available in Arabic, English, French, German, Greek, Hungarian, Italian, Persian, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, Turkish and Ukrainian.

European Broadcasting Union

A live television debate between candidates for the presidency of the European Commission will take place on 15 May, hosted by the European Broadcasting Union. This debate will take place in front of a live studio audience in the European Parliament's hemicycle (plenary chamber) in Brussels at 21:00 CET/20:00 GMT. Veteran Italian journalist, war correspondent, TV anchor, author, filmmaker, and broadcasting executive Monica Maggioni will be the main presenter.
The debate will be 90 minutes long and will feature every candidate who meets the following selection criteria: each candidate must be nominated by one of the 13 parties currently represented in the European Parliament; the nominating party must be represented in one of the seven recognized groups in the European Parliament; only one candidate per group is allowed; and only presidential candidates nominated before 15 March are eligible. Thus, the participants will be Jean-Claude Juncker, Martin Schulz, Guy Verhofstadt, either Ska Keller or José Bové, and Alexis Tsipras.
The EBU will distribute the debate to its members, which are public service broadcasters such as the BBCRAI and TF1. The organisers are hoping that the candidates will all speak in English so that the programme will not be burdened with awkward lags for interpretation. However, the nominees will be guaranteed the right to speak in their own language if they so choose

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